Marking Up the Schedule


User assigned sections for markup and review can begin to provide feedback in the Markup view.

The My Markup Status confirmation box opens to show markup status information.

After the schedule is in the Markup view, contributors can begin to give feedback on the schedule. Markups made to increase or decrease durations on the schedule in turn generate uncertainty.

Uncertainty is an internal factor, such as quantity growth or productivity loss or gain. It evaluates duration or cost realism and plan confidence.

Scorecard Values

The scorecard provides a quick and easy way to give an estimate of whether the planned durations need to be increased or decreased. Selecting a percentage increases or decreases the duration by that amount.

As markups are made on the scorecard, the bars on the Gantt chart adjust accordingly. This gives project contributors a live view of how the schedule is impacted by their markups.

Step by Step — Marking Up the Schedule via the scorecard

  1. Open the Markup view.The markups made by the individual user are summarized
  2. Under My Markup Status, look for Review Cycle Notes.
  3. Click OK to close.
  4. Adjust the detail slider to the right to see all activities assigned for review.
  5. Go to the scorecard and adjust activities by selecting a markup score. Activities should show a Lock icon once selected, confirming the markup made.
  6. Go to the Gantt chart and slide the start or end bars around to adjust duration.
    • The scorecard will changes the icons to a pencil, signifying a custom duration adjustment was made.
    • Markups meeting or exceeding the threshold, established in the Manage Review Cycle settings, will change the Event Register icon to red, signifying the user is to add an event to the Events Register.